Skies improving from Holy fire

With over 19,000 acres burned and only 10 percent containment, you might think our skies would still be cloudy to hazy with darkish brown smoke. But by Saturday, we did see  slight progress with clearing skies, even showing some blue. As the relentless air water attack continues on the fire, there’s a good chance the fire efforts are headed in the right direction. Claremont is in for a little cool down that will bring us back to more normal summer temperatures. That means near 90 degrees during the day, and mid-60s as lows each night. Air quality will not be very good, while there is no rain in the forecast, even through next week. The Wilderness Park (above) has remained closed for a number of days this fire season, so we recommend checking with the City of Claremont’s website, or the COURIER for future updates. COURIER photo/Peter Weinberger


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